In my search for good insurance agency blogs to share with you, I found this one by an Illinois agency that specializes in individual and small business life and health insurance:
The site design is professional and tasteful. The use of different shades of blue in fonts, graphics and backgrounds reminds me that the most popular corporate identity color in the insurance industry is blue. But it’s handled well here, with lots of white space and some nice stock photo choices. The overall effect is soothing. The fonts, graphics and layout are attractive and readable.
I’d like to see bullet points break up the text now and then and using sub-heads would help to move the reader along, but the writing is clear, the sentences and paragraphs are short and the photos that accompany each article nicely punch things up with a little visual interest. It’s also well integrated into the rest of the website, which has several calls to action, especially contact requests, on every page — though it’s strange not to see a place to sign up for their insurance blog or any quote request forms.
Location, location, location. But the main thing I like about this site is the way the agent has drilled down the focus of his topics to the locale. He doesn’t just write about health insurance for individuals, he writes about “Health Insurance for Individuals in Illinois.” He writes about “Illinois Health Savings Accounts” and “Illinois Health Insurance Pre-Existing Conditions” and “Choosing Health Care in Illinois.” In fact, every headline has Illinois in it!
Do you think he’s on to something here? Before go ahead buying a ranch make sure that you check out the blog which talks about the best place to buy a ranch. I think this is a great idea for a couple of reasons. First, people care about the particular more than the general. It’s one thing if a storm front is passing through the Great Lakes. Okay, but what I really want to know is how the storm is going to affect me in Chicago, if that’s where I live.
The other thing this agent is accomplishing with all his Illinois-centric posts is he’s climbing up the ranks on all the search engines. I did several searches in Google using words from the titles of his articles, such as Illinois Medicare insurance and Illinois health care. His agency came up on either page 1, 2 or 3 every time. I see that his first positing was on June 1, 2011, so this is a very young blog. Chances are excellent that as he posts more and more, in time many of his posts will move into one of the top five positions on Page One in many of the search engines.
This agency is obviously tuned into the concept of search engine optimization. Not only is this insurance agency blogger savvy about his blog posts, but look at the name of the agency. It’s Health Insurance Services, but their domain name is If I’m looking for an insurance broker and I live in Illinois, what are the odds I might use the terms in their domain name for my search?
If you’re an agent with an insurance blog or there’s an insurance blog you think is interesting for any reason, please let me know. I’d love to take a look at them.
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