5 Essential Workers’ Compensation Articles – $89 per set
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Package Contents
Opioids and Workers’ Comp: A Blessing and a Curse Deaths from prescription painkiller overdose have skyrocketed over the last decade. This epidemic is triggering a reexamination of how medical providers and insurers handle chronic pain management in workers’ compensation cases. [592 word article] |
Beyond Fitbits: How Wearable Tech Can Increase Safety Dictionary.com defines wearable computers as “miniature electronic devices that are worn by the bearer under, with or on top of clothing.” You might be thinking of futuristic devices such as Google Glass, but many safety “wearables” are much simpler and more common. Here’s a peek at a few technologies that are improving safety. [774 word article] |
How to Conduct a Job Hazard Analysis A job hazard analysis can help you identify hazards that can lead to injury. [665 word article] |
Pre-Existing Conditions & Second Injury Funds More than half of all injured workers have a pre-existing condition, according to one expert. When you have an employee with a permanent impairment who suffers a second injury, you are responsible for compensating only the most recent injury. Many employers fail to realize this, leaving thousands of dollars on the table.[605 word article] |
Workers’ Compensation and EAPsEAPs (employee assistance programs) can help employers reduce their workers’ compensation costs in two ways. [624 word article] |